Investment / Business Valuation

Buying or selling a business can be a frustrating experience. Without a solid knowledge of business sales, it can take years to even connect the interested parties in a transaction. Buyers can get lost in the maze of purchasing options, time-sensitive evaluations, and legal issues. Sellers can become anxious, overprice and even underprice their own investment.

When one is considering selling a business, a business valuation enables you to better understand the realistic value of your company and assets and confirm in advance whether selling the company would enable you to achieve your financial goals.  A business valuation provides a business owner or a potential buyer with an accurate tool that allows making an informed decision about the viability and market value of a business.

Business Valuations will analyze and restate the financial statements, which are generally prepared for tax reporting purposes, not business valuation or business sale purposes.  Accurate representation of net worth value is key to present and fair and complete view and analysis of the business and its earnings growth potential. Normalization or restatement of “benefit stream” and “discretionary expenses” is necessary to more accurately represent the value of the business to a third party buyer.

4 Valuation methods are used to properly estimate the value of a business  as well as industry benchmarking statistics. Operational and non-financial factors impacting the business valuation are included in the report.